Category: Report

Why was Iraj Brooki Milan buried in Beit Shabab?

Iraj Brooki Milan, son of Ahmad and Azizeh, was born into a deprived family in a village affiliated to the city of Maku in West Azerbaijan, Iran. PJAK members continued their poisonous and hateful actions and put Iraj on the path of death. After recruiting Iraj, they chose an organizational name for him as usual. […]

From Nasser Shojaei to Jotkar Sisir

Qotur is a region with the center of Qotur city affiliated to Khoy in West Azerbaijan province of Iran. The villages in this Kurdish region are one of the PKK / PJAK targets for recruiting fighters through deception and kidnapping. Nasser Shojaei, son of Aladdin and Gozel, is one of these victims. Nasser, who was […]

Barzani bribes the Pentagon

Bribing one politician is bad. Bribing all the politicians is worse. The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating a group of companies in Kurdistan, Iraq’s semi-independent northern region, that appears to be doing the latter in order to secure a monopoly on Pentagon fuel contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. A previous investigation outlined […]

A new Kurdish-Assyrian alliance

The northeastern part of Syria, or what has become known as the term ” east of the Euphrates “, is witnessing a political movement between the various forces opposing the Syrian government , as several political currents are heading to forge an alliance with them, while the Syrian Kurds are still trying to bridge the […]

Turkey’s PKK conflict: a statistical analysis

We have analysed the loss of life of both PKK members, Turkish state security forces and civilians between june 2015 and june 2020. A great shift in dynamics can be seen in this data. Not only has the ratio of PKK-deaths and state security forces-deaths changed drastically, PKK has increased its number of Iranian militants […]

After Komala, SDF also hires lobbyist in Washington

The Washington office of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) has hired its first lobbyist, in an attempt to gain political support. They have hired longtime Kurdish advocate Ayal Frank and his firm, AF International, for the next six months to lobby Congress and the Donald Trump administration, said Sinam Sherkany Mohamad, the US representative […]

Kurdish mothers in front of the HDP office: We will not celebrate Eid al-Qurban without our abducted children

Dozens of Kurdish mothers have been protesting in front of the office of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) for about a year now, calling on the party to take the abducted children from the PKK and return them. These Kurdish mothers did not give up their sit-in even in the cold of winter and still […]

The disappearance of a young Kurdish man from Khoy

Ismail Dudkanlu Milan, son of Hussein and Kareh, has never been seen since he was abducted by PJAK gunmen in his village in the Khoy border region. After his parents found out that PJAK had abducted him, they tried to bring him back, but members of the Kandil-based group in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq […]

A call for Marivan human rights activists

Human rights are neither ethnic nor tribal nor specific to a country. There have been and are cases of human rights violations in all societies. But what causes human rights violations in a society to be minimal or ideally zero is the result of the real and conscientious activity of human rights activists in that […]

The Kurdish girl was killed before the age of 18

Manijeh Dindar, the daughter of Fatemeh and Fahim, was born in a deprived village in Maku city, West Azerbaijan province. Her parents did not send her to school after primary school due to the traditional culture of the region and their financial problems. Manijeh, like many girls in the village, worked at home waiting for […]