Category: news

Woman seen as second-class citizens in Turkey, says femicide victim relative

Hacı Bozat, relative of femicide victim Seher Aktekin, has criticized the Turkish authorities for failing to prevent her murder, highlighting systemic issues in protecting women from domestic violence. On 20 June, Seher (27) was killed by her husband, Bekir Aktekin, in Mersin in southern Turkey. Bekir Aktekin had recently been released from prison. Bozat condemned […]

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey’s southeast Diyarbakır raises fears of organized intolerance. In Turkey’s Kurdish-majority Diyarbakır (Amed), a cultural event organized by a private dance school in a public space was attacked by a group shouting religious slogans, resulting in injuries to several bystanders and participants. An outdoor dance event organized by a […]

Statement of IKHRW regarding Saadi Mohammadi

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, news was published on social media and Kurdish media outlets: “One of the commanders of the Democratic Party (Saadi Mohammadi) was arrested in a joint operation by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. Iranian media reported that the arrest of […]

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Commission on Women

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women – New York Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch as a non-profit organization active in monitoring human rights violations in Kurdish areas of Iran, regarding the meeting of this institution in New York, draws the attention of the members of this commission and its secretariat is to the […]

Hussein Yazdan Panah and PAK armed group have taken Iranian Kurdish children hostage

The leader of this group is Hussein Yazdan Panah. Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, in a statement on Saturday regarding the gathering of Iranian Kurdish families who are looking for their children in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, announced its position and clarified that these families believe that the armed groups that are present in […]

Important statement of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch

According to the report presented in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch Organization, last week (January 2024), a number of families of Iranian Kurdish children have left for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the city of Erbil to follow up and return their children. Iranian Kurds […]

Continued death of young Iranians in the PKK-Turkey war

The Firat news agency affiliated with the PKK/PJAK armed group in its latest news has announced that two Iranian members of this group were killed in Turkish army attacks. PKK has announced the date of death of them as November 11, 2023, but the news of the death of these two people has been posted […]

PKK admits to killing children in the war with Turkey

PKK armed group; is still proud of killing children in 45-year-old war with Turkey and also holds an anniversary ceremony for the children killed because of being a member of this group. Meanwhile, PKK continues to recruit Kurdish children, especially Iranian Kurdish children. According to the official report of the United Nations, in 2022, more […]

The new crime of P.K.K and PJAK; Announcing the death of an Iranian member after 15 months

How old was this killed person and how did he become a member of P.K.K? According to IKHRW and quoted by Firat News Agency affiliated with the armed and militant group P.K.K/PJAK, an Iranian member of this group was killed in September 2022 due to what was called an accident and after about 15 months […]

PJAK’s new crime; Announcing the death of an Iranian member after 9 months

PJAK, the armed and militant group, which has been repeatedly criticized by human rights organizations for abducting and deceiving children and their disappearance, in its latest crime, has published the names of 2 of its members nine months after they were killed. Firat News Agency, the media organ of PKK/PJAK, has published the names of […]
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