Category: Article

In Iraq’s summer, residents of Kurdistan’s Arbil ache for water

Boys cool off with water from a mobile tanker as summer temperatures soar in Iraq’s northern autonomous Kurdish region — Safin HAMID The taps have run dry, and the wells are almost empty. In the capital of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region, 80-year-old Babir hasn’t bathed in weeks and impatiently waits for trucked-in water deliveries. “There […]

Masoud Barzani: The Butcher of Sinjar

While ISIS may have executed the genocide against Iraq’s Yezidi population, a US lawsuit reveals that Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his untouchable Peshmerga forces played a direct, complicit role in the massacre, driven by their geopolitical interest in conquering Sinjar. In August 2014, ISIS launched a nightmarish campaign to massacre, enslave, and rape thousands […]

Alarming increase in domestic violence and child abuse in Turkey in 2023

Analysis of Domestic Violence Cases Reported in the Media Between January 1 and December 31, 2023. The 2023 report of the Independent Socio-Political Field Research Center of Turkey shows a significant increase in domestic violence and child abuse in this country, where 385 women were murdered and many cases of abuse have been reported in […]

Turkey’s military operations in northern Iraq; Messenger of death and infrastructure destruction

According to Community Peacebuilding Teams, Turkish military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan killed 24 civilians in 2023. A report by the Community Peacebuilding Teams (CPT) shows that 24 civilians died as a result of Turkish military operations in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in 2023, which contradicts the recent denial by the Turkish Foreign Minister. This information […]

Corruption in the Kurdistan Region; It is the result of corrupt groups that have taken over the government

One of the biggest corruption cases in the Kurdistan Region is the lack of accurate information on the region’s revenues. If you are a student of political science and have studied at any university in the world, even if it is not accredited, or learn politics like Nechirvan Idris Barzani – the current president of […]

PJAK’s new crime; Setting a record in the forced disappearance of a Kurdish young man

One of the daily and consistent crimes of PJAK and of course other Kurdish armed groups is the forced disappearance of members. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the crimes of the PJAK terrorist group against Iranian Kurdish youth and teenagers are still continuing and every day, new aspects of the inhumane actions […]

Using children as armed guards in the Kurdistan Freedom Party group (PAK)

The interesting thing about Kurdistan Freedom Group is the very small number of its members. Teenage girls were lured and probably joined with promises of work, money and even immigration and education in Europe and finally they were in these armed groups. While use of children as armed members in governmental and non-governmental military groups […]

The continual use of children as soldiers in P.K.K

Firat news agency, the official organ of P.K.K armed group, has announced that it has recruited new members. The P.K.K announced in news: “9 more youths announced their joining to P.K.K by reading a statement. These young people declared that living freely in the mountains is Abdullah Ojalan’s lifestyle.” (Assuming the news is true and […]

PKK admits to killing children in the war with Turkey

PKK armed group; is still proud of killing children in 45-year-old war with Turkey and also holds an anniversary ceremony for the children killed because of being a member of this group. Meanwhile, PKK continues to recruit Kurdish children, especially Iranian Kurdish children. According to the official report of the United Nations, in 2022, more […]

The hollow promises of the Kurdistan Freedom Armed Group (PAK) to recruit members and deceive the Kurdish youth

One of the Iranian Kurdish citizens who planned to join this armed group, has recently published a series of his conversations with the supporters of this group on the virtual network. Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, as a human rights watch and active in the field of monitoring human rights violations in the Kurdish areas […]
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