Tag Archives: KURDS

What has PJAK done with the body of Sarveh Khani?

Sarveh Khani’s brother told IKHRW reporter about why his sister joined PJAK: “My sister was deceived by her cousin (Bayan) and joined PJAK.” According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, one of the inhumane and human rights-violating actions of the PJAK terrorist group is the extermination of the bodies of the members of this […]

The hollow promises of the Kurdistan Freedom Armed Group (PAK) to recruit members and deceive the Kurdish youth

One of the Iranian Kurdish citizens who planned to join this armed group, has recently published a series of his conversations with the supporters of this group on the virtual network. Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, as a human rights watch and active in the field of monitoring human rights violations in the Kurdish areas […]

Promoting murder and terror by the PKK/PJAK news agency

The media organ of the armed and militant group PKK/PJAK (Firat) is known as a notorious media arm in Kurdish communities that is responsible for propaganda against the opponents of PKK’s armed and ineffective approach. In fact, from the point of view of this pseudo-media, anyone and any group who is against the PKK and […]

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) to the members of the European Parliament (MEP)

Representatives of the European Parliament – Brussels   According to the news published in various media, on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the headquarters of the European Parliament will host various political groups opposed to the Islamic Republic. This meeting will be held with the presence of almost all the opponents of the Islamic Republic and […]

The tragedy of the Kurdish children murder

A picture of one of the Baath commanders during the massacre of Kurds known as “Anfal”. This photo was taken after the killing of the child’s family. The massacre was carried out by the same person who took a “souvenir” picture with the child. No one knows whether the use-by date of this child only […]

The Turkish justice system is overwhelmed with thousands in prison for such dubious crimes as texting about weddings.

Amberin Zaman Justice remains elusive for Metin Kilicaslan, a wedding singer from the mainly Kurdish province of Siirt in southeast Turkey who’s been languishing in a Turkish prison since 2015 on charges of membership of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). He tracks his days spent in jail by his daughter’s birthdays. She was newly […]

PKK Abducts Six Civilians, Forces Families to Speak Against Their Children

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has abducted six civilians in the Qandil area of Kurdistan Region and now forces their families to speak against the abductees. PKK-affiliated media outlets have published statements from several people who commend the PKK for abducting their children on alleged spy charges. In the statements, a woman, said to be […]

Does EU have a political interest in Turkey’s Kurdish question?

Zana Kurda The European Union (EU), as an international body, does not have a long history with Kurdish issues compared to world powers such as the United States, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom. The first time the EU engaged with the Kurdish question was in the late 1980s. Between 1989 and 1994, the European […]

Kurds in ‘mountain prison’ cower as Turkey fights PKK with drones in Iraq

As decades-old battle intensifies, civilians count cost in lives and livelihoods It took 10 days to find Muhsin Speri’s body. The 64-year-old had left his town in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan along with friends Hassan Sadiq and Safar Sini on a dry, windy day in December last year to fish and forage for wild […]

Will Turkey’s third largest party survive closure case?

The fate of Turkey’s main Kurdish political movement remains in limbo even though the Constitutional Court last week rejected an indictment seeking the closure of the party. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Turkey’s main Kurdish political movement and the third-largest force in its parliament, is determined to fight a controversial bid to outlaw the party, […]
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