Tag Archives: Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch

The continuation of PAK crimes against Iranian Kurdish young man; the massacre of the Veisi family in Iraq

The last word of Mr. Veisi was a wish: Now I have only one wish: the return of my son and freedom from the hell of Hossein Yazdan Panah! According to the IKHRW, the crimes of the PAK against Iranian Kurdish young people and teenagers are still continuing and every day new aspects are revealed. […]

Using children as armed guards in the Kurdistan Freedom Party group (PAK)

The interesting thing about Kurdistan Freedom Group is the very small number of its members. Teenage girls were lured and probably joined with promises of work, money and even immigration and education in Europe and finally they were in these armed groups. While use of children as armed members in governmental and non-governmental military groups […]

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Commission on Women

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women – New York Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch as a non-profit organization active in monitoring human rights violations in Kurdish areas of Iran, regarding the meeting of this institution in New York, draws the attention of the members of this commission and its secretariat is to the […]

The experience of despair and hopes of human rights institutions in helping families like Naeem Babaei

International campaign to support Naeem Babaei’s family and other families facing similar problems. Mr. Babaei’s efforts to return his son: Mr. Babaei has gone to Iraq three times and made many efforts to meet his son. This shows that people in this condition are seeking solution for the problem and getting their loved ones back. […]

The story of the membership of Mehdi Khasi in the Kurdistan Liberation Armed Group (PAK)

The political and social situation of Iranian Kurdistan and its influence on the decisions of young people: “Case study of Mehdi Khasi.” Introduction: In this report, the political and social situation of Iranian Kurdistan and membership of Mahdi Khasi in the Kurdistan Liberation Armed Group is studied. This report is based on an interview with […]

Hussein Yazdan Panah and PAK armed group have taken Iranian Kurdish children hostage

The leader of this group is Hussein Yazdan Panah. Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, in a statement on Saturday regarding the gathering of Iranian Kurdish families who are looking for their children in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, announced its position and clarified that these families believe that the armed groups that are present in […]

Important statement of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch

According to the report presented in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch Organization, last week (January 2024), a number of families of Iranian Kurdish children have left for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the city of Erbil to follow up and return their children. Iranian Kurds […]

Love in the shadow of fear: Sina’s escape from the dark world

Sina and the power of love, the story of a soul in search of feelings. In this scientific report, an attempt is made to analyze the decisions of young people in political and social environments, emphasizing the specific case of a young man named Muhammad Sina Shams in Iranian Kurdistan. What effects have these decisions, […]

The continual use of children as soldiers in P.K.K

Firat news agency, the official organ of P.K.K armed group, has announced that it has recruited new members. The P.K.K announced in news: “9 more youths announced their joining to P.K.K by reading a statement. These young people declared that living freely in the mountains is Abdullah Ojalan’s lifestyle.” (Assuming the news is true and […]

Continued death of young Iranians in the PKK-Turkey war

The Firat news agency affiliated with the PKK/PJAK armed group in its latest news has announced that two Iranian members of this group were killed in Turkish army attacks. PKK has announced the date of death of them as November 11, 2023, but the news of the death of these two people has been posted […]
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