Category: Report

Fire in refugee camp kills 4 children

A horrific fire that occurred in a tent in Newroz refugee camp, in the countryside of Derik, North-East Syria, has killed four children, one adult, and injured 11 others severely, all from one family. A source inside the camp stated that during the preparation of food, an electric pressure cooker exploded, which was followed by […]

PKK members keep defying borders in Sinjar: COVID-19 disaster awaits

Iraq’s conflict-destructed Sinjar region may become a “disaster area” if the COVID-19 pandemic spreads there, health and aid workers warned. The region in northern Iraq has struggled to recover from a genocide in 2014, when the Islamic State group swept across the area and massacred thousands of members of the Yazidi religious minority. The intervention […]

Funeral leads to 32 COVID-19 cases in Erbil

Even though the Kurdistan Region Government has imposed a heavy lockdown on its people – which is longer than 20 days now – it seems not very successful at actually enforcing this lockdown. One of the first things that was forbidden, were group gatherings. Despite instructions on group gatherings, a grieving family has held a […]

No masks for American nurses

A COVID-19 unit nurse says she resigned Monday after being told she couldn’t wear an N95 mask. She warns, “nurses are not being protected.” Stories about medical staff without proper protection are getting more and more common in the US, as the COVID-19 virus spreads through the country. The Trump-administration, has spent the last two […]

Why SDF calls for humanitarian truce?

In North-East Syria, attacks by ISIS and unidentified groups are continuing. In March 2019, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the defeat of ISIS in Syria after the Battle of Baghouz Fawqani, near the Iraqi border. In Iraq, the government in Baghdad declared victory over the Sunni Islamist group at the end of 2017. […]

Real reason for Hasaka water cut-off

Media outlets of the Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria keep campaigning against Turkey, arguing about recent water cut-offs, leaving 460.000+ people without water in the time of a pandemic. Though I strongly agree that leaving people without water is a crime against human rights – especially at the time of a pandemic sweeping across the […]

Duran Kalkan’s COVID-19 conspiracy theory

The last few months, we have seen many different theories on the COVID-19 pandemic and its origins appear in the media. We have seen different countries blaming each other, rumours about different animal origins and some other quite funny stories. One of the PKK’s leading cadres – Duran Kalkan – turns out to be a […]

Goebbels-like Accusations by PJAK

Statement by the Executive Council of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch on the Accusations by PJAK Militants Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German nationalist politician who served as Minister of Propaganda for the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945. Big lie is a technique in propaganda. The technique was first used by the Jews. […]

Europol report: PKK ramps up crimes against Turkish immigrants in Germany

Europol, the police authority of Europe, said in its latest report that crimes by the PKK terrorists increased in the last year, as “an act of vengeance” for Turkey’s counter-terror operation in Syria’s Afrin, Serekaniye and Tal Abyad regions. The European police authority announced that the PKK terrorists have ramped up crimes against Turkish facilities […]

Exclusive: 20 cases of COVID-19 from Deir ez-Zor transferred to Damascus

In an exclusive talk with Omar Abu Leyla, a Syrian expert who focuses on security and governance dynamics, we have learned that the day before yesterday 20 patients with COVID-19 have been transferred from Al-Assad hospital in Deir ez-Zor to Damascus, without being given their test results until the moment of transfer. At this moment, […]