Tag Archives: women

Arrests and kidnappings of children and women by Turkish-backed factions

Arrests and kidnappings of children and women by Turkish-backed factions take place in most areas occupied by Turkey in north Syria. These kidnappings are a way these factions obtain intelligence and money. Here are some names of women and children who were kidnapped lately: ۱- Fatima Muhammad Hassan (22-year-old), from Aleppo. She was living in […]

Abdullah Ocalan’s view on the women

One only has to watch a video to understand Ocalan’s view of women. In the video, he literally tells the women in the room, including Sakine Cansiz, that they can grow in the organization if they’ll be with him. One should also notice the way the women behave, as if they’re under threat. Most of […]

Rudaw belittles women on live TV: the result of tribalism

Translated from German Last night, Rudaw had a special program and the headline was ”Romi Harki: Women must fear their men.” In the 30 minute lasting program, the Iraqi Kurdish singer Romi Harki was interviewed about his views on women and their place in society. Harki has made very disturbing statements throughout the show, that […]

Women in the PKK: ideology or strategy?

PKK pretends to have freed the Kurdish women and tries to portray them as an example so as to export its ideaolgy to the Western countries. The following analysis is on the real situation on the women in the PKK and its branches: The PKK/KCK, seeing the benefits of involving women in its terror campaign, […]
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