A statement by the German Yazidi Association to the PKK: Release the Yazidi child soldiers

A few hours ago, the German Yazidi Association issued a statement in German against the PKK. “We do not want the PKK to use the Yazidis for ideological purposes, and we ask it to end their membership in the Shangal Defense Units (YBŞ).” The statement said, “After the defeat of ISIS, the PKK established its stronghold in Sinjar, especially in Mount Sinjar. The PKK, through its branch, the gets money from the central government of Iraq for each fighter and recruits people through this money, but it takes these girls and boys under the age of 18 to Qandil for ideological training and does not return them, but the group “sends these fighters to Turkey and Syria. If anyone wants to return, the PKK will stop them and if they escapes, it will kill them.”

Dr. Saeed Seydo, the association’s vice president, who is also a well-known physician in Germany, is asks the PKK to return the Yazidi children as soon as possible and release the people holding in its secret prisons.

Jiyan Dinanî, a member of the association, called on the Iraqi government to “take immediate action to defend its citizens, otherwise we will ask the international community for help in defending the Yazidis.”

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