Tag Archives: child soldiers

Statement of IKHRW regarding Saadi Mohammadi

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, news was published on social media and Kurdish media outlets: “One of the commanders of the Democratic Party (Saadi Mohammadi) was arrested in a joint operation by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. Iranian media reported that the arrest of […]

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Commission on Women

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women – New York Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch as a non-profit organization active in monitoring human rights violations in Kurdish areas of Iran, regarding the meeting of this institution in New York, draws the attention of the members of this commission and its secretariat is to the […]

The continual use of children as soldiers in P.K.K

Firat news agency, the official organ of P.K.K armed group, has announced that it has recruited new members. The P.K.K announced in news: “9 more youths announced their joining to P.K.K by reading a statement. These young people declared that living freely in the mountains is Abdullah Ojalan’s lifestyle.” (Assuming the news is true and […]

Introducing the “Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict”

۵۹ countries signed the Paris Principles and Paris Commitments, which outline a practical approach to prevent the use of child soldiers and reintegrating current child soldiers into society. The Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict, adopted in 2007, define a child soldier as follows: “A child who is with a state […]

Children’s rights

Children’s rights: prohibiting the use of children as soldiers in armed conflicts. As the most vulnerable members of human society, children need serious support from the international community, both in practical and theoretical-legal dimensions; because many crimes have been committed against this part of society. The development of children’s rights is aimed at defending their […]

Syrian Human Rights Watch report on child soldiers

The Syrian Democratic Forces refuse to return a child conscripted forcibly from Raqqa. The Syria Monitoring Network for Human Rights said that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), through the Revolutionary Youth affiliated to it in Raqqa governorate, kidnapped a 16-year-old boy with a terminal illness. The Syria Monitoring Network for Human Rights learned through its […]

How did they send Behzad to the mountains?

Behzad had conflicts and problems with his mother and they did not get along somehow. According to his father, some of Behzad’s friends tricked him and took him to PJAK. Behzad Mahmoudi was only 15 years old at that time and it can be said that he was a child. Of course, we should also […]

Geneva Call co-founder: “The organization has unfortunately stopped monitoring the engagement taken by armed groups in some cases”

In an answer to IKHRW's correspondence with Elizabeth Decrey Warner, the former director of Geneva Call has said: "The organization has unfortunately stopped monitoring the engagement taken by armed groups in some cases".

PKK child soldiers suffer psychological damage: Who was “Hussein Chinga”?

PJAK child soldier Hossein Chingeh suffered tremendously after his commander Amed Malazgirt tossed him aside. He died in Turkey's Botan region.

Mother begs PJAK leader to be able to meet her child in Clubhouse meeting

In PJAK's latest Clubhouse meeting with Siamend Moeini, mother Shapool begged the leader to be able to meet her child that had been recruited three years ago. Moeini's answer was insufficient.
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