Dayik Bahar: “PKK is a continuation of ISIS”

Dayik Bahar is the name of a Yazidi woman activist against PKK child abduction in Shangal. In a video, she revealed the PKK’s anti-human activities and called for help in confronting the group.

“I am Dayik Bahar. I am talking to you about the Shangal/Sinjar region. I want my voice to be heard everywhere. Greetings to everyone, especially the Yazidis. I have to tell the Yazidi associations and institutions and the Yazidi people that I, as a mother, am threatened by the PKK. I am not afraid of threats. Like the PKK, ISIS threatened us. I am stronger than the threats. ISIS also took Yazidi children and threatened to behead them. The threat is the work of ISIS. The massacre of Yazidis in the Shangal region continues and it seems not to intend to end. Do not imagine that ISIS came and everything is OK. ISIS is still here but in the form of the PKK. The PKK kidnaps, takes our children and threatens us.It has taken hundreds of Yazidi children so far, and is still unwilling to return them to their families. Dozens of mothers lost their lives in grief over their children.

Dayik Bahar continues:

“O Yazidi associations and institutions. If you work for the Yazidis, know that the PKK is forcing our children to be recruited and we have been unaware of their fate for years. I have only seen my son once in six years. I asked my son to come home. But Mazlum Roj, his commander, glared at him and indirectly threatened not to come and he could not come. This is not acceptable in any religion or faith. If we could save a number of children from being massacred by ISIS, this time the PKK kidnapped them. I would rather die with honor than succumb to the threats of the PKK, the PKK has done nothing for us except destruction and misery by its coming to Sinjar. Anyone who opposes is arrested and taken away, and no one knows their fate. O Yazidi institutions, today your brothers, sisters and mothers are in the captivity of the PKK in Sinjar. It took the survivors from ISIL away and deliberately told them not to go to Shangal, because if you go, the Yazidis will kill you and say that you have changed your religion. However, those who fell into the hands of the PKK after their release never arrived, but the group took them away and never returned. The Yazidis were saved from the ISIS and are at the hands of of the PKK now.

She addressed the “Assembly of Yazidis” affiliated with the PKK while saying:

“You are an assembly self-deception. If you are really working for the Yazidis, why are you not working against these actions of the PKK? We have repeatedly asked you to save our children from the PKK, but you have not done anything. We have lost our children for years. We have no news, you said that you could not do anything, if so, then why did you call yourself the “Assembly of the Yazidis”?

Dayik Bahar remarks file link:

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