Tag Archives: pkk

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey’s southeast Diyarbakır raises fears of organized intolerance. In Turkey’s Kurdish-majority Diyarbakır (Amed), a cultural event organized by a private dance school in a public space was attacked by a group shouting religious slogans, resulting in injuries to several bystanders and participants. An outdoor dance event organized by a […]

Gouna Salehi enters in Komala aiming the escape from forced marriages

The subject today is Gouna Salehi, born in 1997, is a member of the armed group Komala. According to IKHRW, one of the most significant social and economic challenges in Kurdish-populated areas in the Middle East, including Iran, is the lack of respect for women’s rights in various fields, with varying degrees of intensity and […]

The story of the mistake of Somayeh Rajabi

IKHRW reporter’s subject today is Mozhdeh (Somayeh) Rajabi. According to IKHRW in Kamyaran, one of the key factors in recruitment of new deceived members into Kurdish armed groups, especially PJAK, is the exploitation of the members’ life problems and deceiving them. PJAK attracts its members, especially women, by promising to solve problems and provide free […]

Kidnapping Ilyas Hakimi by PJAK

It has been nearly 10 years since PJAK kidnapped Ilyas. one of the oldest cases of kidnapping of Iranian Kurdish children and teenagers that has been raised, is the case of Ilyas Hakimi, son of Fahim and born in 1997 (1376) in Chalderan. Despite raising this issue several times by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights […]

Continued death of young Iranians in the PKK-Turkey war

The Firat news agency affiliated with the PKK/PJAK armed group in its latest news has announced that two Iranian members of this group were killed in Turkish army attacks. PKK has announced the date of death of them as November 11, 2023, but the news of the death of these two people has been posted […]

PKK admits to killing children in the war with Turkey

PKK armed group; is still proud of killing children in 45-year-old war with Turkey and also holds an anniversary ceremony for the children killed because of being a member of this group. Meanwhile, PKK continues to recruit Kurdish children, especially Iranian Kurdish children. According to the official report of the United Nations, in 2022, more […]

Ankara, Baghdad agree to expel PKK from Iraq: Report

Baghdad has previously called for the expulsion of both the PKK and illegal Turkish troops present in Iraq. The Turkish and Iraqi governments agreed on a roadmap to improve ties during bilateral talks on 19 December, focusing on the expulsion of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) from Iraq, Turkish media reported. Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad […]

Promoting murder and terror by the PKK/PJAK news agency

The media organ of the armed and militant group PKK/PJAK (Firat) is known as a notorious media arm in Kurdish communities that is responsible for propaganda against the opponents of PKK’s armed and ineffective approach. In fact, from the point of view of this pseudo-media, anyone and any group who is against the PKK and […]

Ismail Shojaei; The latest victim of PKK’s fruitless war with Turkey

What does this war have to do with Iranian Kurds? The notorious Firat news agency, the media organ of the armed and militant PKK/PJAK, announced that an Iranian citizen named Ismail Shojaei was killed in the fruitless war between the PKK and Turkey in its latest crime. Of course, Firat did not say why Iranians […]

PJAK, an armed cult in cover of a party

How familiar are you with cults? Do you know what kind of group this word used to introduce different groups today, defines? What are the characteristics of cults? And which component is the criterion of being a cult? A cult is a group or organization, pursuing particular goals, like other associations and parties. But the […]
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