Note / Again racism, again attack, again the green light of the government

Seasonal labor is one of the most important elements of life for many Kurdish families in Turkey. Turkish Kurdistan, due to the government’s lack of attention on one hand, and the PKK’s armed violence on the other hand, has become a completely underdeveloped economic region, and the Turkish authorities themselves have repeatedly confirmed the underdevelopment of these regions. The idea for the well-known GAP project was aimed at economic development over the past few decades, but it did not work out well, and many families are still forced to work collectively on farms and gardens in Turkish areas to earn money.

On the other hand, there is no field of investment because the most basic issue for investment is security. The PKK has attacked various investment companies in different regions, set fire to their devices and facilities, and of course proudly mentions them in its media. The common saying among the people of the region is thatthe PKK is a factor of insecurity and its violent actions have spread the army everywhere, which has become another factor for violence and lack of economic development in the region.

In the latest case, 16 Mardin Kurds (men and women) went to work in hazelnut gardens in the Turkic region of Sakarya as laborers, and were greeted by the garden owner as “a herd of dogs” as they entered the garden. They decided not to work and went back to the road, but the Turkish people in the area attacked when they heard that some Kurds were there. In the picture, we also see a person punching a Kurdish women worker in the face. The governor of Sarkaya, in a statement, while supporting the perpetrators of the attack, practically opened the way for similar attacks in Turkey.

Turkey is attacking its Kurdish citizens at home, displacing the Kurds in Syria, endangering Kurdish towns and villages by changing the demographic structure, occupying large parts of Syria, and in Iraq with the green light of Barzani and presence of PKK, it has reached deep the Kurdistan Region and many experts believe that it is a serious threat to the future of this region.

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