Tag Archives: violence

Woman seen as second-class citizens in Turkey, says femicide victim relative

Hacı Bozat, relative of femicide victim Seher Aktekin, has criticized the Turkish authorities for failing to prevent her murder, highlighting systemic issues in protecting women from domestic violence. On 20 June, Seher (27) was killed by her husband, Bekir Aktekin, in Mersin in southern Turkey. Bekir Aktekin had recently been released from prison. Bozat condemned […]

Alarming increase in domestic violence and child abuse in Turkey in 2023

Analysis of Domestic Violence Cases Reported in the Media Between January 1 and December 31, 2023. The 2023 report of the Independent Socio-Political Field Research Center of Turkey shows a significant increase in domestic violence and child abuse in this country, where 385 women were murdered and many cases of abuse have been reported in […]

Child soldier is a terrible word in the shadow of governments inaction

For many years, the topic of using children as a tool in regional wars in the world and especially in the Middle East has been of great interest. According to the reports published by the United Nations, many cases of the use of children in armed conflicts in regions such as Kurdistan and other regions […]

PKK encourages violence against the Iraqi army in Sinjar

A number of supporters of the Shangal Resistance Units (YBŞ), a branch of the PKK in Shangal/Sinjar, attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint and demanded the release of three members of the YBŞ arrested by the army. A clash broke out between them and army forces at the scene after the supporters set fire to the […]

Abdullah Ocalan’s Intellectual Contradictions on “Women, Gender and Freedom” (3)

Abdullah Ocalan writes, “Woman is an angel and man is a predator.” Undoubtedly, Abdullah Ocalan supports women in this debate and rejects men. According to the PKK leader “Women’s culture is a culture of production from the method of harvesting to the production or planting of wheat, and this activity has been conciliatory. There is […]

Violence and militancy as common denominators of Pan-Kurdism and Pan-Turkism

“Pan” is a Latin term meaning “all” and comes in the form of various terms, and its semantic burden expresses “all only for myself, no one but me” and in general expresses absolute exclusivism. Pan-Kurdism and Pan-Turkism are also more dangerous than Covid-19 disease and do not seem to intend to go to a hospital […]

Two Kurdish parties in Turkey in a joint statement: PKK Must be disarmed

Two Kurdish parties: PKK paves the way for Turkish invasion. The two parties “Socialist” and “Freedom” in Turkish Kurdistan issued a joint statement stating that the PKK deliberately violates the sovereignty of Iraq and the laws of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and paves the way for Turkish attacks. The statement described the Turkish government […]

A call for Marivan human rights activists

Human rights are neither ethnic nor tribal nor specific to a country. There have been and are cases of human rights violations in all societies. But what causes human rights violations in a society to be minimal or ideally zero is the result of the real and conscientious activity of human rights activists in that […]

KRG: Deployment of Turkish army in 9 strategic places in Bradost region

With continuing the close cooperation of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), especially the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) with Turkey against the presence of members and headquarters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its branches, including PJAK in the KRG, especially among civilians in rural areas, The Turkish army is consolidating its fortifications day by […]

Violence against women in North-East Syria

The PKK’s leading ideology, that is followed by the self-proclaimed Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria and its militia SDF, holds a great amount of radical feminism. The militias have been able to recruit a great amount of women, have started women’s foundations and have given women in the region greater freedom than they have seen […]
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