Tag Archives: children

PAK is responsible for the life of “Masoumeh Soheili zad”

The Soheili zad family immediately left for Erbil after finding out where Masoumeh had gone. According to the report of Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch reporter from Ilam, the PAK group, which has a history of using children as armed forces and protectors in its history and is one of the most notorious Kurdish armed […]

The continual use of children as soldiers in P.K.K

Firat news agency, the official organ of P.K.K armed group, has announced that it has recruited new members. The P.K.K announced in news: “9 more youths announced their joining to P.K.K by reading a statement. These young people declared that living freely in the mountains is Abdullah Ojalan’s lifestyle.” (Assuming the news is true and […]

August 15, PKK and continued massacre of Kurdish children during its 39 years of fruitless conflict

During these 39 years, August 15 is the day that the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK started armed activity against the military under the orders of Ankara. Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the PKK, who before the military coup of 1980 preferred to escape and fled to Syria and Lebanon along with his wife […]

Introducing the “Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict”

۵۹ countries signed the Paris Principles and Paris Commitments, which outline a practical approach to prevent the use of child soldiers and reintegrating current child soldiers into society. The Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict, adopted in 2007, define a child soldier as follows: “A child who is with a state […]

The need for urgent humanitarian action in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

During the last four decades, opposing Kurdish parties of Iran have bases in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which, in addition to political activities, have also launched military and armed branches and have had conflicts in the border areas of Iran. Regardless of the political issues and tensions that exist in this area, the Iranian […]

Sexual violence against children

The previous reports of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on various crimes against children, mentioned that the United Nations Security Council, officially addressed the issue of the presence of children in war and internal and international armed conflicts in 1996. At the same time, the United Nations General Assembly sought to collect information […]

“Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan” and admitting the existence of children in the militia structure

Terrorism and violence, brainwashing and terrorist acts and extortion are some of trainings given to children in these groups. Militant and armed groups in the Kurdish regions of Northern Iraq are known for recruiting children and teenagers. They not only do not deny this action, but also proudly publish the photos of their young members. […]

Syrian Human Rights Watch report on child soldiers

The Syrian Democratic Forces refuse to return a child conscripted forcibly from Raqqa. The Syria Monitoring Network for Human Rights said that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), through the Revolutionary Youth affiliated to it in Raqqa governorate, kidnapped a 16-year-old boy with a terminal illness. The Syria Monitoring Network for Human Rights learned through its […]

Children are the toy of adults

It has been many years that the issue of using children as a tool in regional wars in the world and especially in the Middle East has been receiving much attention. According to the reports published by the United Nations, many cases of the use of children in regional armed conflicts such as various Kurdish […]

Protection of children in armed conflicts

Protection of children in armed conflicts and approaches of international law. The inauspicious phenomenon of war threatens all children’s rights, including the right to life, the right to live with the family, the right to health, the right to progress and education. Armed conflicts are used against children. The present article will examine and analyze […]
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