A senior KDP member: PKK-affiliated officials must leave Sinjar

A Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) senior member called for the expulsion of PKK-affiliated forces from Sinjar/Shengal city offices.

Ali Khalil was quoted as saying by Baghdad Al-Youm, “despite the implementation of the agreement between the central government and the Kurdistan Region, illegal weapons still exist in Sinjar, the PKK forces are present in the city and they have imposed their control over the city.”

The senior member of the KDP added: “Militia and Yazidi groups with intellectually affiliated with the PKK are still considered a threat to the security situation in the city of Sinjar, because they prevent refugees from returning this city and try to create problems for the Kurdistan Region by confronting the Peshmerga forces.

Ali Khalil continued as saying “it is necessary to implement the second part of the Sinjar agreement, which means handing over the city’s offices to its residents and expulsion of all PKK-affiliated heads of departments who were appointed after October 16, 2017.”

A senior official at the Kurdistan Region Peshmerga Ministry has recently announced that the PKK continues to occupy the city of Sinjar under the cover of Iraqi forces.

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