Tag Archives: Komala

Reasons for the joining of Navid Asadi in a Kurdish armed group

The social damages such as divorce and poverty; one of the reasons for the joining of Navid Asadi in a Kurdish armed group. According to IKHRW report from Sanandaj, one of the social damages in the current Iranian society is the high divorce rate and the damages inflicted on the family. After divorce, Child of […]

Gouna Salehi enters in Komala aiming the escape from forced marriages

The subject today is Gouna Salehi, born in 1997, is a member of the armed group Komala. According to IKHRW, one of the most significant social and economic challenges in Kurdish-populated areas in the Middle East, including Iran, is the lack of respect for women’s rights in various fields, with varying degrees of intensity and […]

The horrifying narration of “Setareh Zadhesh” about being in the headquarters of the PJAK and escaping from them

Setareh; from child marriage to child soldier in PJAK. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the deception and kidnapping of young Iranian Kurdish girls and teenagers is one of the common and popular methods of Kurdish armed groups, girls and women are more interested in groups such as, PJAK, PAK. Komala, Demokrat, and […]

PJAK; The main suspect for kidnapping Fardin Salehi

Fardin Salehi, was born in 1999 and was in his final year of high school. one of the methods of providing manpower in armed groups is kidnapping and deceiving teenagers and young people and using them as military forces. This method is very common among Kurd armed groups in the northern and northwestern borders of […]

The necessity of disarming the Kurdish groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) expressed concern about the rising tension between Kurdish parties opposing Iran in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, after it emphasized the necessity while ago. The armedness of the Kurdish parties opposing Iran has shifted them from the political phase to the armed phase for many years. This approach has […]

The need for urgent humanitarian action in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

During the last four decades, opposing Kurdish parties of Iran have bases in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which, in addition to political activities, have also launched military and armed branches and have had conflicts in the border areas of Iran. Regardless of the political issues and tensions that exist in this area, the Iranian […]

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) to the members of the European Parliament (MEP)

Representatives of the European Parliament – Brussels   According to the news published in various media, on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the headquarters of the European Parliament will host various political groups opposed to the Islamic Republic. This meeting will be held with the presence of almost all the opponents of the Islamic Republic and […]

The biggest crimes against humanity

The letter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch regarding the crime against humanity through the use of Iranian Kurdish children in armed conflicts. Your Excellency I want to tell you about a deep concern and a very regrettable process. An issue that, if it is not quickly put on the path of finding an […]

Amine Kakabaveh; ex-child soldier

IKHRW would like to request ms. Amineh Kakabaveh to use her influence as a politician to sit down with her old comrades and ask them to release the underage fighters it currently holds in its ranks, and to prevent the recruitment of children by Komala today.

Komala as a photo narrates

Komala, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI), PJAK and several other groups have repeatedly used violence in the Kurdish regions of Iran in recent decades. The common denominator of all these claims is the “defense of Kurdish rights”, but in word and deed they are nothing but contradictions and have nothing but misery for […]