Tag Archives: IRAQ

PAK is responsible for the life of “Masoumeh Soheili zad”

The Soheili zad family immediately left for Erbil after finding out where Masoumeh had gone. According to the report of Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch reporter from Ilam, the PAK group, which has a history of using children as armed forces and protectors in its history and is one of the most notorious Kurdish armed […]

Turkey’s military operations in northern Iraq; Messenger of death and infrastructure destruction

According to Community Peacebuilding Teams, Turkish military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan killed 24 civilians in 2023. A report by the Community Peacebuilding Teams (CPT) shows that 24 civilians died as a result of Turkish military operations in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in 2023, which contradicts the recent denial by the Turkish Foreign Minister. This information […]

The continuation of PAK crimes against Iranian Kurdish young man; the massacre of the Veisi family in Iraq

The last word of Mr. Veisi was a wish: Now I have only one wish: the return of my son and freedom from the hell of Hossein Yazdan Panah! According to the IKHRW, the crimes of the PAK against Iranian Kurdish young people and teenagers are still continuing and every day new aspects are revealed. […]

Important statement of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch

According to the report presented in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch Organization, last week (January 2024), a number of families of Iranian Kurdish children have left for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the city of Erbil to follow up and return their children. Iranian Kurds […]

Ankara, Baghdad agree to expel PKK from Iraq: Report

Baghdad has previously called for the expulsion of both the PKK and illegal Turkish troops present in Iraq. The Turkish and Iraqi governments agreed on a roadmap to improve ties during bilateral talks on 19 December, focusing on the expulsion of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) from Iraq, Turkish media reported. Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad […]

How did they send Behzad to the mountains?

Behzad had conflicts and problems with his mother and they did not get along somehow. According to his father, some of Behzad’s friends tricked him and took him to PJAK. Behzad Mahmoudi was only 15 years old at that time and it can be said that he was a child. Of course, we should also […]

Turkey has the largest presence in Iraq and is occupying more lands

In the past two weeks, Turkish forces have occupied new areas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). The new Turkish military campaign is part of the Turkish expansion plan led by the country’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The new campaign began with the same old pretext – to “end” the presence of the […]

After three decades, the KRG efforts to draft a constitution

The head of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, met with a group of Kurdish political figures to discuss the drafting of the Kurdistan Region constitution and the upcoming Iraqi elections. According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Barzani met separately with the leaders of the Jamaat-e-Adl of Kurdistan, the Islamic Union of Kurdistan, the Movement for Change […]

A new conspiracy targeting Sinjar

Once more, it seems the Yezidi-populated area Sinjar is under imminent threat – as it has been for quite a while. Sinjar has become a thorn in Erdogan’s eye, as the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) has been operating there freely. Yet, this time, the threat seems larger than a sole Turkish invasion of PKK-controlled territory. […]

Khazali: Turkey seeks to attack  Shangal

Leader of the Asaib Ahel al-Haq, Qais Khazali said that plans are being hatched by Turkey to launch an attack on Shengal in summer, calling on the Iraqi Federal Government to take the necessary procedures in this regard.    On January 22nd, 2021, Erdogan threatened to carried out an attack on the Shengal Province, saying: […]
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