Geostratos: PKK is an organized network for drug production and distribution

Among the anti-human activities of the PKK, we can mention drugs that are financially very profitable. “The Geopolitical Observatory of Narcotics” confirms that “narcotics confiscated in Turkey, as in Europe, especially in Germany and the Netherlands, where a significant Kurdish diaspora lives, indicates that narcotics are the source of funding for the PKK activities (military, etc.). “Its networks are responsible for the transit of 20 to 30 percent of heroin from Turkey. The Kurdish drug networks in the diaspora are responsible for directing, transporting and even selling at the street level.” (Source: International Journal of Narcotics, February 4, 1995).

The Paris Institute of Criminology also referred to the PKK. It is referred to as a “terrorist-drug” organization. The Department of Justice’s Office of Counter-Narcotics also wrote in a report dated June 23, 1995, that “the PKK has been proven to be fully involved in the production, transit and trafficking of narcotics throughout Europe.” “The PKK has a strong involvement in drug money laundering and spends that money on terrorist activities” (Source: Paris Institute of Criminology Research, October 30, 1995) 33 October 1996).


If we add to the above-mentioned cases the issue of arms smuggling, the abduction of Kurdish children for education and use as child soldiers, and against their will in Turkey or Iraq, we can say that the PKK is a pluri-criminal organization.

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