Tag Archives: war crime

Courtney Keeley: PKK commits organized

Interviewed on PKK crime, Ms. Courtney Keeley, an analyst on terrorism, says the group is involved in drug deal and smuggle. The questions and answers are as follows: -You have discussed organized crime and the PKK in your report, could you explain it? Anyone who studies in the field of organized crime knows that the […]

Richard Engel: Sexual slavery by terrorist groups is worse than war crime

Everyone knows that terrorist groups are ruthless. Terror and evil prevail in the areas controlled by terrorists. In many cases, like ISIS, they kill men but have other plans for women. They decide a fate worse than death  for the women. Women and girls are enslaved and brutally treated. In this program, two victims of […]

Songul Altuntash: PKK has eradicated Kurdish youth

Songul Altuntash, mother of a Kurdish soldier abducted by the PKK is in front of the office of the HDP in Diyarbakir, she started angrily protests and addressed one of the HDP officials. “Your organization has left no youth in Diyarbakir. They are either in prison or buried,” she said locally. The Kurdish mother says […]

Some myths about the PKK

A few things about the PKK and its branches are propagated by its fans, which are nothing more than myths. These are mentioned in the following video file. – Countries in the region fighting against the PKK and its branches are “at war with the Kurds are”! Meanwhile, the number of PKK members is not […]