Tag Archives: hdp

Kidnapping Ilyas Hakimi by PJAK

It has been nearly 10 years since PJAK kidnapped Ilyas. one of the oldest cases of kidnapping of Iranian Kurdish children and teenagers that has been raised, is the case of Ilyas Hakimi, son of Fahim and born in 1997 (1376) in Chalderan. Despite raising this issue several times by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights […]

PKK continues enforced disappearance of Kurds

The PKK’s policy seems not to change: Assassination, attacks in various in European countries, extortion, forced conscription, child recruitment as soldiers, distribution of drugs, occupation of various parts of Syria and Iraq, and preparation for the occupation by Turkey and more recently; the very late announcing its members’ being killed – and not even months […]

Will Turkey’s third largest party survive closure case?

The fate of Turkey’s main Kurdish political movement remains in limbo even though the Constitutional Court last week rejected an indictment seeking the closure of the party. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Turkey’s main Kurdish political movement and the third-largest force in its parliament, is determined to fight a controversial bid to outlaw the party, […]

HDP organizations lay foundation to recruit women for PKK: report

BY NUR ÖZKAN ERBAYMAR The Pro-PKK Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) organizations lay the groundwork for women to join the terrorist organization, a report said, stressing that while the PKK claims to “liberalize” women, it in fact ignores and even endangers their freedoms and security. The report titled “PKK Terror and Women,” published on International Women’s […]

How Turkey’s government abuses – and uses – Kurdish groups

David Lepeska Despite near-constant change, the resurrection of Turkey’s primary political battles is never far away. A dozen years ago this month, long-frosty relations between the Turkish government and the country’s Kurdish nationalist movement enjoyed an early spring thaw. The pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) won the majority of seats in local elections in the […]

Could Turkey’s Kurdish peace process be back on track?

ANKARA: The debate around peace between Turkey and its Kurdish minority has re-surfaced, hinting at possible preparations by both sides to find middle ground to restart negotiations. Political changes, shifting voting intentions and trouble along the southern border with Iraq and Syria, experts suggest, might all be playing a part in moves by President Recep […]

Fatih Cosmic: “Demirtas is a terrorist in collar and tie”

A political activist on his Twitter account referred to the history of Selaheddin Demirtash, the former leader of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), supporting the PKK and publkished some shared photos of Demirtash with the PKK leaders. He called Demirtash a “terrorist” and wrote to Kenneth Ruth in Human Rights Watch: “These are the images […]

Adile Buse: “Demirtash is a supporter of terrorism.”

A human rights activist criticizes the Turkish government’s policy of not dealing decisively with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), the political wing of the PKK, in the parliament of that country, she criticizes and writes: “If there was real justice, after revealing how the HDP cooperated in kidnapping children for PKK, it must be closed […]

Hassan Abdullah: Kurdish mothers protest against the PKK continues non-stop

Hassan Abdullah, a correspondent for the English-language diplomatic service of the TRT, gave a live report in front of the office of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey summarizing the PKK terrorist acts while he points to the past years and focuses on the issue of child abduction. This reporter points to the presence […]

HUDA-PAR: HDP is not a Kurdish party

After Imam Tashchier, the representative of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), the PKK branch, announced the door of this party for all Kurdish parties and groups is open to the “Kurdish Union”, he  said even the “Free Demand Party” (HUDA-PAR) can enter the union and called the party “non-Kurdish and a follower of Erdogan’s Justice […]
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