Kurdish political expert to the IKHRW: The KRG media is the enemy of the Turkish Kurds

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has become a complex puzzle. On one hand, it has paved the way for Turkey’s illegal and military presence, which has led to insecurity and conflict in Iraq over the years, resulting in the displacement of thousands of displaced civilians and the evacuation of hundreds of villages. In the 1980s, Massoud Barzani allowed the PKK to establish itself in areas close to the Turkish border, and now the PKK has become the most important security problem for the KRG and the people, especially in the villages.

Turkey is doing all its best to expand its influence and, if possible, to implement its main projects, the annexation of Mosul and Kirkuk. Barzani’s very warm economic and family ties with Turkey have made it easier for Turkey to infiltrate. Turkey is also very active in the KRG through the media. The translation and broadcasting of Turkish serials on TV channels has caused experts to take its negative impact on families very seriously, but the main news channels of RUDAW and KURDISTAN24 are no exception.

Ahmad Balayi, an expert on political issues in the Kurdistan Region, is among those who criticize the Kurdistan Region’s approach. “The KRG is generally influenced by Turkish politics and, in principle, has no independence of action,” he told the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW). “If we look carefully, when there are clashes between Kurdish armed groups and the Turkish army in Turkey, RUDAW and KURDISTAN 24 only refer to the killings of Kurds and suggest that the Turkish army is invincible and will never killed nor injured,” he said. . ”

Ahmad Balayi noted: “The RUDAW and KURDISTAN24 channels are in the service of promoting Turkish policies in the Kurdistan Region. Their goal is to instill and promote anti-Kurdish sentiment in Turkey. Of course, in recent years, the issue of the Syrian Kurds has also been added to their list. They behave as if they were Turkish government’s channels but in Kurdish.”

This political expert considers the future of the Kurdistan Region under the influence of Turkish politics as dangerous and urges the KRG officials not to rely on Turkey any more because Turkey is hostile to all Kurds, whether in Turkey, Iraq or anywhere else.

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