Tag Archives: recruit

PAK misuses family disputes of a Kurdish woman to recruit her

Fatemeh Choupanposht joined PAK with her two-year-old son. According to the IKHRW from Bukan, one of the social problems in Kurdish areas of Iran is forced marriage, family disputes and inappropriate behavior towards women and girls. In fact, the Kurdish woman is forced to seek refuge with an armed group to escape social disorder and […]

HDP organizations lay foundation to recruit women for PKK: report

BY NUR ÖZKAN ERBAYMAR The Pro-PKK Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) organizations lay the groundwork for women to join the terrorist organization, a report said, stressing that while the PKK claims to “liberalize” women, it in fact ignores and even endangers their freedoms and security. The report titled “PKK Terror and Women,” published on International Women’s […]

Continued ambiguity on the fate of Salman Moradi; a child soldier member of PJAK

The Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) published a report, based on credible reports, in 2020 while stating that PJAK members had abducted several Iranian Kurdish children and adolescents in the automn and winter of 2019, then transferred them to PJAK headquarters in Qandil Mountain. The children were killed due to the coronavirus outbreak, lack […]