Tag Archives: Kurdish armed groups

Statement of IKHRW regarding Saadi Mohammadi

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, news was published on social media and Kurdish media outlets: “One of the commanders of the Democratic Party (Saadi Mohammadi) was arrested in a joint operation by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. Iranian media reported that the arrest of […]

Gouna Salehi enters in Komala aiming the escape from forced marriages

The subject today is Gouna Salehi, born in 1997, is a member of the armed group Komala. According to IKHRW, one of the most significant social and economic challenges in Kurdish-populated areas in the Middle East, including Iran, is the lack of respect for women’s rights in various fields, with varying degrees of intensity and […]

Family conflicts and pressure on women; the groundwork for joining Kurdish armed groups

Somayeh Moradi: as soon as my family realized where I went, they quickly pursued me. According to IKHRW Somayeh Moradi, a former member of PAK and Democrat, is one of those who in an interview with the reporter has announced due to conflicts with her mother and communication via Telegram with members of the PAK […]

The horrifying narration of “Setareh Zadhesh” about being in the headquarters of the PJAK and escaping from them

Setareh; from child marriage to child soldier in PJAK. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the deception and kidnapping of young Iranian Kurdish girls and teenagers is one of the common and popular methods of Kurdish armed groups, girls and women are more interested in groups such as, PJAK, PAK. Komala, Demokrat, and […]

PJAK’s new crime; Setting a record in the forced disappearance of a Kurdish young man

One of the daily and consistent crimes of PJAK and of course other Kurdish armed groups is the forced disappearance of members. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the crimes of the PJAK terrorist group against Iranian Kurdish youth and teenagers are still continuing and every day, new aspects of the inhumane actions […]