Tag Archives: children’s rights

Introducing the “Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict”

۵۹ countries signed the Paris Principles and Paris Commitments, which outline a practical approach to prevent the use of child soldiers and reintegrating current child soldiers into society. The Paris Principles on the Participation of Children in Armed Conflict, adopted in 2007, define a child soldier as follows: “A child who is with a state […]

Children’s rights

Children’s rights: prohibiting the use of children as soldiers in armed conflicts. As the most vulnerable members of human society, children need serious support from the international community, both in practical and theoretical-legal dimensions; because many crimes have been committed against this part of society. The development of children’s rights is aimed at defending their […]

Violation of children’s rights by PJAK

Denial of Children’s access to humanitarian aid by PJAK. It was mentioned in the previous reports of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on various crimes against children, that the United Nations Security Council, by establishing the “Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflicts” in 1996, officially addressed the issue of the presence of […]

PKK’s Syrian wing YPG also deceives, forcefully holds, and indoctrinates children

Not unlike Iranian wing PJAK, PKK's Syrian wing YPG continues to kidnap minors to use them as child soldiers. Muhammad Azad Hasan (15) is the latest victim.